Praise + Gratitude = Joy & Happiness
Day 12: Joshua 1:9
This is my command–be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.”
We are commanded to be strong , vigorous, and very courageous. Not afraid, dismayed, or discouraged, because we know the Lord our God is with us! I don’t know about you my darling friend, but I needed this reminder. I’m encouraged by the promise of His presence in my day.
I don’t need to feel limited by my own weakness or insecurities. He is with me and He is all-sufficient. Wherever He leads me today I can walk into every situation boldly and with confidence.
Mother of teenage daughter
Mother of 7 yr old who believes she is a teenager too
Patient care
Whatever else is needed
I’ve got this! So on this day I’m squashing my fear, my self-doubt, and my self fed discouragement. Instead I’m walking cheerfully and readily into any and every situation knowing my God’s already in the mix. And with Him comes victory!!
You’ve got this my sweet friend! Tackle today with bold confidence and strength, don’t let anything hold you back! He is with you!
Today am I’m grateful for the presence of the Lord, my God with me, wherever I go!
I joyfully praise His holy name!
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