
Embracing Gratitude: A Journey from Fixation to Faith

I’m a fixer. I fixate on the things that are wrong in an effort to fix them. I dwell on the problem. I stress over it. Sometimes for hours, sometimes for days, maybe even weeks and months. I’m also a learner. I’m learning through life experience. I’m gaining wisdom. And what I know is that… Continue reading Embracing Gratitude: A Journey from Fixation to Faith


Wisdom Without Obedience is Useless

Not only must we seek God for His wisdom, knowledge, and understanding, but we also must pray to have hearts that are obedient to Him. Ultimately our choices have repercussions, and a lack of obedience can limit our blessings from the Lord. King Solomon can teach us a wonderful example of this. The LORD was very angry… Continue reading Wisdom Without Obedience is Useless

A Bit of Bible & A Bit of Prayer

Proverbs 31:26

A Bit of Bible: She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue. Proverbs 31:26 A Bit of Prayer: Dear Lord, Help me to lead and guide my family and the people within my circle of influence with true inner wisdom that comes from you. Let my conversations be filled with wisdom, grace, kindness, and… Continue reading Proverbs 31:26