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Scribbles Through Scripture: God’s Unstoppable Promises in Numbers 1-2

As we open the book of Numbers, we’re immediately drawn into a census—an orderly count of the Israelite men ready for battle. At first glance, this might seem like just another list of names and numbers. But when we pause and look closer, we see something much deeper. This census is a tangible reminder that God keeps His promises. Long ago, God made a covenant with Abraham, promising that his descendants would be as numerous as the stars (Genesis 15:5). Now, in Numbers 1-2, we witness the fulfillment of that promise as the nation has grown into a vast, strong people. Even more powerful is the realization that this multiplication of Abraham’s family came despite countless moments of sin and disobedience along the way.

God’s Faithfulness Amid Flaws

If we think about it, the history of Abraham’s descendants isn’t a picture of perfection. From lying to manipulation, from jealousy to rebellion, we see human nature at its most flawed. Yet here they are—over 600,000 men strong, ready to move toward the Promised Land. They didn’t get to this point because of their own righteousness or goodness, but because God is faithful. His plans cannot be derailed by human mistakes, and His promises are never broken. This truth is deeply encouraging.

It reminds me of my own journey and perhaps yours, too. We are all deeply flawed, yet God’s promises to us remain unshaken. Our missteps, our weaknesses, and even our outright rebellion can’t stop the plans God has for us. That’s the beauty of grace. Despite everything we do wrong, His faithfulness stands firm.

Carrying Out His Plans

Numbers 1-2 isn’t just about counting people; it’s a testimony of how God carries out His plans through imperfect people. He didn’t need Abraham’s descendants to be flawless for His promises to unfold, and He doesn’t need us to be perfect either. Think about that—God’s work in your life isn’t dependent on your ability to get everything right. It’s dependent on His faithfulness. And He is always faithful.

This truth should lift a burden off of us. We don’t have to strive for perfection to earn God’s favor or to be part of His plan. Instead, we can trust that, just as He multiplied Abraham’s family and prepared them for their journey, He is working in our lives, too—multiplying His goodness and preparing us for the future He has in store.

Hope for Today

What strikes me most about these chapters is the hope that comes from knowing God’s plans cannot be stopped. It didn’t matter that Abraham’s descendants stumbled along the way—God was still with them. And in the same way, no matter how many times we fall short, He is still faithful to carry out His plans for us.

Maybe today you’re feeling overwhelmed by your imperfections, by the ways you’ve missed the mark. Maybe you’re wondering if God can still use you, if His promises still hold for you. Let Numbers 1-2 be a reminder that God’s promises are stronger than your failures. His plans for you are not fragile—they are unbreakable.

Lord, thank You for Your unshakable promises. Just as You multiplied Abraham’s descendants and faithfully guided them, You are guiding us today. Help us to trust in Your faithfulness, knowing that our flaws do not disqualify us from the plans You have for us. Teach us to rest in the assurance that nothing we do can separate us from Your love and Your purpose. May we walk forward with hope, confident that You are always with us. Amen.

As you go about your day, hold on to this truth: no matter where you’ve been or what you’ve done, God’s promises are secure, and His plans for you are still unfolding.

Reflection: What promise of God are you holding onto today? Remember, He is faithful to fulfill it!

💜, Jen

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