Scribbles Through Scripture

Scribbles Through Scripture: Finding God in the Struggle

Isn’t it easy to feel overwhelmed when life hits us with adversity and affliction? I get it, because I’ve been there too. But let me remind you—God’s providence is always at work, even in our hardest moments. He not only allows things to happen, but He also holds us close, guiding us through every trial with His loving hand.

Job 37:13 says, “Whether for correction or for his land or for love, he causes it to happen.” This verse is a powerful reminder that God’s purpose is woven into every challenge we face. Even when life feels heavy, these trials are opportunities for us to draw near to Him, to lean in and trust more deeply in His plan for our lives.

Adversity has a way of purifying us, doesn’t it? It brings us closer to God, helping us to see His goodness in the midst of the storm. It’s through these struggles that we learn to rely on Him fully, to praise Him even in the pain, and to glorify His name in a way we couldn’t before. Our faith grows stronger when we recognize that God is with us, even in the hard places.

I know it’s hard—really hard—to embrace difficult seasons as chances to grow closer to God. But I encourage you to dive into His Word, to seek His wisdom, and let Him draw you near. Remember, He draws near to the humble-hearted, to those who come to Him in their need.

So today, take a moment to open your Bible. Let God’s promises fill your heart, renewing your spirit and giving you the strength you need. His guidance and comfort are always there, waiting for you to receive them.

💜, Jen

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