We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance. And endurance develops strength of character, and character strengthens our confident hope of salvation. – Romans 5:3-4 (NLT)
God, I know that You orchestrate my path, and You’re there in delays and schedule upsets. Please grow me and stay with me as I stay flexible this season. (-Christine Caine)
My devotional included this scripture and prayer this morning.
I read the scripture over and over again meditating on each word and I prayed this prayer out loud over myself.
The truth is I’m not great at rejoicing over the problems I run into or the trials I face. Rarely do I look at my negative situations and think to myself… YES! I’m going to develop endurance today! And honestly, I’m not sure that my best characteristics shine in moments of struggle. Delays and schedule upsets are NOT my jam and I don’t think flexibility is a strength that I possess. I like schedules, plans, and goals with end dates. I thrive on structure and organization. I have control issues…and it’s not pretty.

But as I surrender each day to God over and over again, I can see Him more and more within the trials. I truly can see him orchestrating my paths. I’m learning to pause amid my problems and say to myself “God, where are you in this, and what am I supposed to see and learn.” I’m learning to give up control of my own life, and move more fluidly with the Spirit within who doesn’t seem to operate on schedules, goals, and rigidity. Maybe that’s flexibility.
I wonder if you rejoice in your problems and trials, knowing that you’re building endurance?
Or maybe, like me, you’ll pause to meditate on this scripture and pray the prayer above, because you too need the reminder that God is orchestrating your path, He is with you in every trial and problem you face. You are developing endurance and becoming resilient.

I encourage you to be flexible because it’s in the unexpected twist and turns of life we see God’s lavish love the most. I’m learning this myself.
Just in case you’d like to know, the devotional I’m reading is Unshakeable by Christine Caine.
, Jen
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