The other night I walked into our very dark living room. I quickly found the lamp, and reached to turn it on. Immediately a warm glow radiated forth, lighting up the room. I smiled as Matthew 5:14-16 ran through my mind.
The Bible Says:
“You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden.
Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house.
In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.
Matthew 5:14-16
My Thoughts:
These verses remind me that I am the light of the world. They remind me that I have a purpose, and that purpose is to shine His light forward.
My darling friend, you are the light of the world, and you have a purpose.
I memorized these verses sometime ago, and recite them often, because I find them uplifting and encouraging. I have purpose. That purpose is to shine. That purpose is to illuminate darkness, just like the lamp sitting on the table.
Jesus tells us that we are the light of the world. The light within us is His light, the indwelling Christ, the Holy Spirit. What a special gift we possess! The above verses instruct us not to hide our light, but to let our light shine before others. One of the best ways to shine our light forward is through our good works. I am a firm believer that actions speak louder than words. We need to lead lives as people who know the Redeemer, and have been redeemed!
When we live our lives in this manner people are more inclined to believe we have an amazing Savior. We can tell them, but we must also show them.
His light shines through our attitudes, our words, and our actions. We allow His light to shine through us when our actions reflect the nature of Christ. He is love, so we must love all others. He is compassion, so we must be compassionate. He is forgiveness, so we must possess hearts of forgiveness. He is patience, so we must be patient. He is our hope, so we must be hopeful. Our lives should radiate our passion and fervency for living out The Word of God. Our openness, courage, and diligence to exemplify the Gospel allows our light to shine forward. Our sincerity, faithfulness, and diligence for living a life of obedience to God, allows our light to shine out. We should show others that we honor God’s truth, and that we have integrity for our Christian values.
Light was not given merely for their own private use, but for the public good of mankind; and therefore, as they were placed as lights in the world, they were to hold forth, in the most open and conspicuous manner, the word of light and life:
We shine our light through serving God and serving others without growing weary.
I want you to think of one person in your life who shines the light of Jesus out into the world. That one person who never fails to exemplify the values of Christ. I can think of not just one person, but several. The way we live our lives should automatically be a testimony to the God we serve. Consistently giving Him glory, and inspiring others to live Christ-like lives themselves. We are a testimony to His goodness. We are saved by grace and grace alone, and we should live lives that reflect the changes God has made within us. We must let the values of Jesus pour out of us and into others. Only God can change someone’s heart, but by revealing the way He has transformed your life, they too may feel the desire to seek Him out.
You should never have to declare you are a Christian, but through the life you lead, everyone should know.
You have the ability to impact and influence others through your attitudes, words, and actions. You my darling friend are the light of the world, and it is my prayer that you will illuminate the darkness around you. I want to encourage you to seize every opportunity today, tomorrow, and the next day to shine your light. My lamp could not light my whole house, but it did light the darkened room. You have the ability to bring light into your circle of influence, and light into someone’s darkness.
You have a purpose.
Let Your Light Shine!
A Prayer For Your Day:
I pray Matthew 5:14-16 over my life. Let me never forget I am the light of the world. It is my desire to shine brightly before others, allowing my attitude, words, and actions to reflect the values of Jesus. I want my life to be a testimony to Your goodness. I pray that You would use me to spread light to those in need, and that all my good deeds will glorify You.
In Jesus Name,
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Very encouraging
Thank you for your kind words!
thanks for a very positive and encouraging post that I should share with others in family and friends! Keep it up! God bless you Jennifer!