It’s early in the morning, and the coffee pot has just beeped its glorious alert that a fresh pot of Maxwell House coffee is ready. A familiar wave of excitement and anticipation runs through me. It’s time to meet with Jesus. For sometime now, I’ve dedicated the very first hour of my morning to having coffee with Jesus. Why? Because I know He is the power that holds everything together in my life, and I know that He must be made a priority above all else. The coffee’s just a bonus!
The Bible Says:
And He Himself existed before all things, and in Him all things consist (cohere, are held together).
Colossians 1:17
My Thoughts:
I meet with Jesus early every morning over strong black coffee, because I want Him to know that He is a priority in my life. I also know Colossians 1:17 says that in Him all things consist, cohere, and are held together. Jesus is the power that holds my life together. If I give Him my marriage, my children, my health, my relationships, my household, my finances, and my career, He will hold them all together. If I give Him my thoughts, attitudes, and emotions He will hold me together. This is why I take the first hour of my day to sit and have coffee with Jesus, pouring over the word of God, praying it over my life, and confiding in Him. I give Him everything at the beginning of my day, then let Him work to hold it all together. I know that if I try to do it all on my own, it will just be a mess, and so will I.
I know I can have faith in Jesus, He will be the power that holds EVERYTHING together, and it will be good.
My darling friend, are you making Jesus a priority in your day?
Is there something you need to give Him today? Your marriage? Health? Finances? Household? Or maybe it’s your thoughts, attitudes, and emotions?
Give it all to Jesus, and let Him be the one to hold everything together.
He has the power to do it, and it will be good.
Pray This Prayer:
I pray Colossians 1:17 over my life. I want you to know that you are the first priority in my life. I have faith that if I give everything to You, You will be the power within my life to hold it all together, and it will be good. Today I give You my marriage, my children, my health, my finances, my household, my career, and all my thoughts and emotions asking you to hold everything together.
Lord, my faith is in you.
In Jesus Name,
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Thanks Jen for the inspirational word of comfort and encouragement
I pray you will always be blessed in the Lord to be able to provide more light and hope through devotionals. In Jesus’ name, bear much fruit and shine!
Thank you!