A Bit of Bible:
Then King David went in and sat before the Lord, and said, Who am I, O Lord God, and what is my house, the You have brought me this far??
II Samuel 7:18
A Bit Of Prayer:
I come before You today to say thank you for every blessing You have given me, and my house. My heart is full of thanksgiving and gratitude, because like David I am full of wonder and happy amazement at all the good things you have done for me! Who am I that You would so freely pour out Your grace, mercy, and loving kindness? Who am I that you would continue to provide all my needs and more? Who am I that You would give me such a beautiful family to raise up in Your ways? All the praise and glory goes to You, for only You could bring us this far!
In Jesus Name,
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Amen..beautiful and inspiring in thanksgiving and praise!