Enjoy prosperity while you can, but when hard times strike, realize that both come from God. Remember that nothing is certain in this life.
Ecclesiastes 7:14 NLV
It is easy to praise God and show gratitude in prosperity. I can be thankful when life is good. When things are going my way. I can praise His name when I’m comfortable and feel secure. I can give Him glory when I taste success and things are easy.
I have no problem finding joy in times of prosperity. It’s easy to say God is good when life is good.
But when hard times strike??
In the mist of difficulties and struggles can I still praise Him? Can I be thankful when life is really hard? When things aren’t going the way I wanted them to. Can I praise His name through tears of pain, disappointment, and despair? Can I still give Him all the glory, when nothing seems glorious and suddenly I wonder where He is?
Can I realize and understand that even the hard times come from God?
I want too.
You see my darling friend, not everything is going the way I want it to, and I feel like I’m losing a battle. In the mist of this hard time, this struggle, I find myself grasping onto my faith.
I am thankful for the good in my life. I am grateful for the little glimmers of hope.
Even through my tears of pain, I whisper “I know You are good.”
Even in my disappointment and despair, I still find my hand lifted to Him in praise.
I give Him glory even in this.
Even when I wanted Him to change the situation, but He hasn’t. Even when I counted on Him for healing, but the pain is still incredibly intense. I can’t see Him here with me right now, but I trust that He is working in ways I can not see. I believe and trust that in my weakness His glory will appear.
This isn’t what I wanted. It’s the wrong out come. I thought it would be different. I wanted Him to answer my prayers my way. But He didn’t.
It’s so easy to find joy in prosperity.
But it’s a fight to find joy in the hardship.
I need to remember that nothing is certain in this life. His ways will always override my desires. Nothing about tomorrow is a guarantee.
How incredibly humbling.
We may not be able to control our futures, but we will always have a choice whether or not to praise His name and give Him glory. We will always have a choice on the posture of our hearts, and I will choose to incline my heart towards Him. I will choose to worship Him. I will choose to serve Him.
Rooted firmly and set on the foundation of Christ, I will work to find joy in the hardest moments.
I hope you choose the same.
Knowing that even in the mist of hardship, God is with us. He is a good and loving Father. And when the wound has healed, and the scar remains, we will say we survived the battle.
Maybe some of us will even say we won.
I trust God. And I know that if it is from Him, there is purpose in the pain. There is a bigger picture I can not see.
I know that the next few weeks will consist of several decisions I don’t want to make. I know the doctors report, and I understand that I’m quickly running out of options. I know I can’t continue to live in pain. I’m losing my battle, and I fought really hard to win.
My struggles become a hard time.
I’m not sure what you’re facing today my darling friend, but I do know we all have our own battles. God does not show favoritism. We will all face hard times, and if you’re like me, maybe you also struggle to realize that even this is from God.
No, it’s not fair.
Yes, it’s okay to be angry.
He’s counting your tears.
He loves you.
There is purpose, try to find it.
And never stop praying.
I pray that in your hard time the words above bring you encouragement. Praise Him even here, even in this hard time. Find joy even in the smallest things. And do something good for someone else.
I find comfort in James 1:2-3, and maybe you can too.
Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.
James 1:2-3 (NIV)
We will persevere!
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Yes , indeed. So hard to rejoice in hard times. I remember repeating to myself, “He is infinitely good and you are infinitely loved.” This helped me get through my worst times. Appreciate your insights and reminding us what to focus on during the difficulties.
“We will always have a choice on the posture of our hearts.” I’ll be carrying these words with me as I go about my day/week. Too often I forget that my response is my choice.