Blog Post

God Is Only A Prayer Away

God is only a prayer away. In just the few seconds it takes for me to whisper His name I’ve drawn near to Him. Can I tell you, my darling friend, that I whisper His name often. So often in fact that it’s a constant communication throughout the day.

When my husband wakes me in the morning and I don’t want to get up, I whisper to Him “Father, thank you for this day, give me strength to do it right.”

When my husband leaves for work in the morning, and I watch my girls get on the school bus, I whisper “Father, thank you for my husband and my beautiful girls. Please protect them, lead them, and guide them. Let the light of Jesus shine through them, and bring them back home to me safely.”

After a morning workout when I feel strong and healthy, I whisper “Father, thank you for my good health, thank you for the strength you’ve given me.”

When I sit down at my desk for a day full of work, “Lord give me strength, patience, and precision to get this job done. Help me care for your people.”

The list will go on, because throughout my day I will continue to reach out to Him. Drawing near to Him, and Him drawing near to me.

I find myself in moments when I’m simply thanking Him and praising Him. Or maybe I’ll go before Him asking for wisdom and knowledge to handle certain situations in life. Often my prayers have nothing to do with me and everything to do with the people around me.

I believe lifting other people’s needs up to God is one of the purest acts of true love.

My prayer life didn’t always look like this. It has grown in the past few years greatly. But even before I was saved, before I attended church, read scriptures, or made the commitment to place God first in my life, I knew God was only a prayer away. I didn’t fully understand the power of prayer or that it changes everything.

I just knew in my darkest hours of pain, fear, and uncertainty, that my soul longed to call out to Him. 

– I called out to Him in the moment when I looked down at a 3 lb 1 oz baby girl at the age of 19. Scared to death as she laid in an incubator, struggling to maintain her own heart rhythm. Unable to even touch her, as she had to remain hooked up to multiple machines for survival. All I could do was pray. God save her. God save her. God help me. God save her. GOD HELP ME. Over and over again for 21 days, those words were all I could think, literally crying out to Him, hour after hour, praying that my little bitty baby girl would be okay. After 21 days in the NICU my baby girl was stable enough to come home.

She is full of life today, beautiful inside and out. God was so good to us, and I know He plans to use her in amazing ways.

– I called out to Him in the moment I looked at my youngest daughter as she began to have seizure after seizure in my husbands arms due to a high fever. I began to pray as we rushed her to the hospital. I remember feeling so helpless as the doctors poured in around her… once again in a hospital I reached out to God with all my heart. God I’m scared, please help my baby.

In just over 48 hours we brought our baby home. God was with us.

– I called out to Him in the moment when I realized my marriage was failing. The moment I realized I was losing my husband. The moment I realized that if something didn’t change we wouldn’t make it. Seven years in… the devil came to steal, kill, and destroy everything we had built. I remember crying out to God in total desperation day after day, week after week, begging Him to help us. I wasn’t ready to give up. I wasn’t ready to walk away. I remember telling Him I would do anything it took to save my marriage, but I didn’t know what to do. It was the very first time I asked Him to lead me. In total weakness and defeat, I suddenly realized that I couldn’t fix it on my own.

We will be celebrating 13 years of marriage this summer, and the last 4 1/2 years have been the best we’ve ever had. I know God did amazing things for us. Things that I couldn’t even understand at the time, but looking back, only He can take the credit.

– I called out to Him in the moment when the doctors looked at my husband and explained that he had a very rare tumor that would need to be removed as soon as possible. I prayed hard in the days leading up to that surgery. After the tumor was removed, and it was negative for cancer, my husband and I were so thankful. But it returned one year later even larger than the first. Again I found myself humbled before the Lord, asking Him for help.

My husband and I  saw the power of His grace again, as the second tumor was negative too. We will return once again this summer for follow-up, and I’ve already started praying.

That’s our God, in our darkest hours, in our times of true desperation He can be called on. He was already with me in all the above situations, but through prayer I invited Him into my life. Every situation can be handed to Him. In those times of great need, I knew I needed something greater than anything else I could find. I knew that if He was really there and could do all the things other people said He could do, then I needed Him too.

Even when I knew nothing about the depths of a God first life, I felt the urge deep within me to call on Him. I needed to believe that He was only a prayer away, and I hoped He could change every situation.

I’ve matured in my faith since those first prayers. I know I want God’s presence in my life through the good and the bad. I want Him present in my life every hour of everyday, that’s why I continually reach out to Him. Sometimes I sit before Him completely humbled in His presence, just Him and I in a quiet house, me spilling my heart to Him. Other times it’s the quick moments that pass where I am completely in awe of the blessings that surround me, and I give a simple thank you. I don’t think it matters how you pray, when you pray, or how often you pray. I would only encourage you to make sure you are.

Sometimes it takes being completely broken to realize that there must be more.

He came to me when I was broken, scared, and lost.

Unsaved and undeserving, He gave me grace, He gave me hope, He offered me peace, and He pulled me through my darkest hours.

I could do nothing, but He could do everything.

I have known a life distant from Him, and I can say with all my heart that I am so thankful for the power of prayer, because only through it have I come to know a life so very close to Him.

“So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.

Luke 11:9-10

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