Today starts the last 90 days of this year. And before we know it we’ll be starting a brand new year! It’s crazy to think this year is almost over. What a year it’s been!
Here’s what I know, I want to end it strong and feeling my best physically, mentally, and emotionally. I want to cross into 2022 knowing I’m at my best, for myself & for ALL the people that depend on me. And I know you do too.
So here are the habits I want to lean into. Some of these are strong daily habits for me already and I don’t want to lose them in the chaos the end of the year always brings. Some of them I’ve been slacking on and need to reestablish. All of them have the potential when applied routinely to add incredible value to my life, and I believe you could find value in them too! Let’s end 2021 with strength and purpose!
- Drink Water
- Being well-hydrated increases energy, decreases mental fatigue, and helps with concentration & focus. It can also aid in weight loss, flush toxins from your body, and keep your skin fresh and glowing. I want & need all of this! How about you?

- Eat A Diet Rich In Whole Foods
- Focus on lots of veggies, clean proteins, whole grains, fruit, nuts, seeds, & healthy fats to provide optimal nutrition. I plan to choose foods that fuel my body well, balance my blood sugar & my hormones, & help me feel amazing. Bio individuality is important, so choose the balance of whole foods that work best for you.

- Exercise- Along With Movement
- At least 30 minutes of exercise every day. This can be anything from a walk to a spin, yoga, or a total body workout. Whatever feels good that day. But in addition to that workout, focus on overall movement throughout the day- this is just as important to physical health. Studies show that sitting for long periods of time can have adverse health effects.

- Practice Gratitude
- Whether it’s writing down a few things each day, or completing a guided gratitude meditation. A grateful heart is a full and happy heart. There are a ton of apps & free YouTube videos to help you make this a part of each day!

- Read The Bible & Pray
- Wake up early enough each day to spend time reading the Bible and in prayer. God over everything else, this practice will feed our souls, clear our hearts, and renew our minds. A spiritual practice is vital to overall wellness.

- Give Yourself A High Five In The Mirror
- Out of all these habits, you probably find this one the weirdest. I get it. But I’m fascinated with Mel Robbin’s new research around the High 5 Habit. Scientifically proven to rewire your subconscious patterns in your brain, allowing self-worth, self-esteem, self-confidence, and self-love to emerge within you. It’s a completely holistic approach to shifting your mindset. It’s 100 percent free, and incredibly simple.

I recently picked up these daily reflection questions from Lewis Howes’s podcast, The School of Greatness, and love them. I want to use them as daily journal prompts. I’m horrible at journaling, but it’s a ritual I want to lean into over these next 90 days.
- Did I do something for my health?
- Did I do something for the relationships in my life?
- Did I learn something new?
- Did I do something that moves me closer to accomplishing my dreams?
And my bonus question,
- How did I serve God today?

What do you think? Are you ready to give these six habits a try? I strongly believe in progress over perfection and I believe in slow starts that gain incredible momentum. I also believe in showing up each day with strength and purpose.
Who will you be in 90 days? Where will you be in your health and wellness journey? How much closer will you be to your dreams? What will the posture of your heart be?
I believe these are important questions and only you have the ability and the power to decide.
It’s incredibly powerful to go on your own journey, but it’s even more powerful when you inspire your friends & family to come along beside you!
Who are you sharing this blog post with?!
Who’s going to walk into 2022 strong & full of purpose with YOU?!
Here’s to the next 90 days! I’ll be sharing my journey in my IG stories, join me there!

The best is yet to come!
, Jen
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