You do not have to be who you were, who you have been.
How refreshing to read those words.
How encouraging.
How hopeful.
I know the above statement is true, because I’m not who I used to be. My labels are changing one by one. Just because something was, does not mean it always will be.
Some of us have worn labels such as damaged, failure, addict, victim, broken, unhealthy, abused, quitter, injured, lost, stupid, or poor. Some of us have worn a few of these labels at the same time. Some for many years. I know I have. How about you??
Some of these labels are born out of really hard circumstances, either created by our own actions or the actions of others.
You lost your job.
Your finances fell apart.
Your partner had an affair.
Your marriage ended.
A child fell really ill.
You were a victim of abuse.
Maybe it’s not just one monumental thing, maybe it’s been a series of small battles that left you feeling really defeated.
These labels always try to minimize who we are. And although they may be a part of us, we must remember that they do not define us!! They do not have to be the ending. In the areas we are weakest God says that His grace will be sufficient! In our weakness He is made strong.
But He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.
-2 Corinthians 12:9
God can move in a powerful way through painful times. He can grow you and evolve you. He can reshape who you are. He can restore you and He will use you. Even in this season you can rise again. Sis, you are resilient! God is great within you. Don’t quit. Don’t stay here. Don’t get stuck in this place. Take time to grieve. Take time to heal. Take time to get your mind right. Then get back up and own your life! Every season of our lives serve a purpose. Every season helps develop who we are. But seasons do not have to last forever.
Instead of damaged, claim repaired and renewed.
Instead of failure claim success in one area of your life and then another.
Instead of addiction claim sobriety.
Instead of victim and broken claim healed and redeemed.
Instead of unhealthy claim healthy, energetic, strong, and powerful.
Instead of quitter, start something and finish it.
Take personal accountability for the labels that you wear. Start claiming positivity out loud over your life. The language you use with yourself is everything. Don’t refer to yourself negatively, this gives the enemy space to move. Renewing your mind through God’s Word is very important in the process of combatting your negative thoughts. The enemy wants you to stay right where you are, known by your current negative labels. It is so very important that we start to see ourselves through the eyes of God. God calls you by name. He says you are a masterpiece, fearfully and wonderfully made. He calls you His beloved daughter. These are the only labels that truly matter.
You are capable of moving forward. Sis, you have the strength to change your life. You have the strength to enter a whole new season and become a whole new you!
Dream new dreams!
Dream big dreams!
Dream so big that you surprise yourself.
I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.
– Isaiah 43:19
Allow God to lead your dreams. Allow Him to give you new visions and fresh perspectives. Allow Him to direct your steps. You do not have to be who you were. You do not have to be who you’ve been. You have the power to change the things about yourself you don’t like, and change the situations you’re in. You have the power to throw off old labels.
What is your next step?? It’s not enough just to claim a new label or have a big dream. You have to do the work. You have to start moving in the direction of owning it. No matter how big or how small of steps you take, just move toward the person you want to be. Stop traveling around the same old mountain. Stop living a life you’re not happy with, and don’t let anyone tell you change isn’t possible. I know it is.
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I think I might just print this post out and put it somewhere I can see it! I love what you said about the language we use with/about ourselves- Satan has used this as a foothold in my life for far too long. Thank you so much for this encouragement today!
Thanks Katie! I’m so happy it brought you encouragement!
I really needed to read this. I often have trouble with old sins and when I fail I really beat myself up and feel hopeless. But you’re right, I don’t have to be stuck like this! The devil might be able to tempt me but he can’t make me do anything. Thanks Jen!
Amen! Don’t let the enemy lie to you. Believe God’s promises that you can do a new thing!