Tell them to go after God, who piles on all the riches we could ever manage-to do good, to be rich in helping others, to be extravagantly generous. If they do that, they’ll build a treasury that will last, gaining life that is truly life. – 1 Timothy 6:18-19 MSG
God loves doers of His Word. He loves when people deny themselves to serve others. We are to do good, and be rich in good works. He loves it when people use what He has given them to be generous to others. We are to be generous and ready to share. Whether it’s your time, talent, or treasure He wants you to be wise and generous with the resources He has given you so that you can make a positive impact wherever you go!

I think we can become overwhelmed if we try to do to much. And it’s easy to become stuck in the thoughts that what we can do just isn’t enough. But it’s important to remember not to overlook the person standing right in front of you. What if you just did for that person what you wish you could do for everyone? You’d become a doer of God’s Word! Yes, it really is that simple.
Allow God to lead you to someone in your circle of influence that you can show a little light, a little hope, and a little love to today. Become a doer of God’s Word by small simple acts of love and kindness.
Then watch as your life begins to make a big difference in your family, your community, and your church because you simply committed to going after God and being a doer of His Word.
I pray that we will go after You with all our hearts. Help us do good, and be rich in good works. Help us be generous and ready to share our time, talent, and treasure. Help us be wise and generous with the resources You have given us so that we can make a positive impact wherever we go! Help us see the person You have placed right in front of us. I pray that you will lead us to someone who we can show a little light, a little hope, and a little love to today.
In Jesus Name,
, Jen
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