Boosting our immune system, and overall health doesn’t have to be complicated. It can also be inexpensive and quite enjoyable! Here are 5 tips I’m utilizing to boost my immune system and overall health regularly.
1. Aim for 6-8hrs of SLEEP every single night.
Sleep is a vital component of building up the body’s immunity & making sure it is operating at its full potential. New research shows that sleep can help improve T-cell function! T-cells are white blood cells that fight against virus-infected cells. While you are sleeping, your breathing and muscle activity slows down and this leaves more energy for the immune system to perform critical tasks needed to keep you healthy. On average I aim for 7 hours of quality sleep per night.

2. Prioritize Nutrition.
Fun fact, 70% of your immune system is in your digestive system. Consuming more fruits, vegetables, and water will naturally lead to less caffeine, sugar, and processed foods. This technique is known as Crowding Out, focusing on adding in more whole foods versus taking things away. My favorite tip: If it has more than 5 ingredients it may not be the best choice. You don’t need a diet, just add in the good stuff in abundance!

3. Get Sunshine & Fresh Air:
Go outside for a little bit each day. Let the sun kiss your skin and breathe the fresh air deep into your belly (diaphragm). These actions alone can boost your immune system! Bonus point if you walk barefoot in the grass because grounding can also enhance well-being & health. This tip is incredibly simple, but researched back to do several amazing things for our overall health! Currently, I’m taking walks with my pups daily and loving my time spent in nature. And yes, I’m walking barefoot in my yard…kinda makes me feel like a kid again… worry-free and ready for anything!

4. Rest
You don’t have to do everything on the to-do list. I promise it will still be there tomorrow. Take a hot bath with some essential oil, read a good book, do a simple meditation, or go for a relaxing walk. Seek peace and solitude, even if just for a few minutes. I’m horrible at this. Rest is hard for me, but I’ve learned I need it to be healthy. Not resting leads to burnout, overwhelming stress, and chronic fatigue- all things that suppress our immune system. Schedule downtime, it’s critical for your overall health.

5. Spiritual Connection:
Connect with God, through worship, Word, and prayer.
Connect with God, through worship, Word, and prayer frequently. “When you are in deep prayer or meditation, your fight-or-flight response goes off and your rest-and-repair turns on. This allows your immune system to supercharge your whole body and is incredibly healing, whether you are under stress or have an actual illness or are trying to prevent illness or stress.”- Kelly Turner, Ph.D. It’s hard to walk away from worship, Word, or prayer without feeling better, and giving our worries to God, gives us a sense of control, calming us, this, in turn, has a positive impact on our immune system and overall health.

There you have it, my 5 tips to boost your immune system and overall health. Many of these tips are completely free and easy to incorporate into your life. And all of them can be very enjoyable! I bet you’re already doing some of them, tell me which tips are your favorite in the comments below!

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