Devotionals, Scribbles Through Scripture

Scribbles Through Scripture: Fulfilling God’s Assignments

God assigns specific responsibilities to the sons of Kohath and the sons of Aaron, each with duties related to the Tabernacle. On the surface, these chapters seem like logistical details, but they hold a profound truth: God misses nothing. Every task, big or small, has its purpose. The duties of Aaron’s sons and the Levites… Continue reading Scribbles Through Scripture: Fulfilling God’s Assignments

Devotionals, Scribbles Through Scripture, Uncategorized

Scribbles Through Scripture: God’s Unstoppable Promises in Numbers 1-2

As we open the book of Numbers, we’re immediately drawn into a census—an orderly count of the Israelite men ready for battle. At first glance, this might seem like just another list of names and numbers. But when we pause and look closer, we see something much deeper. This census is a tangible reminder that… Continue reading Scribbles Through Scripture: God’s Unstoppable Promises in Numbers 1-2


Discovering Your True Worth: The Power of Noble Character in Proverbs 31

“A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies.” — Proverbs 31:10 (NIV) We live in a world that often measures worth by external standards—appearance, accomplishments, or status. I’ve found I often measure myself by these standards as well.  But Proverbs 31:10 reminds us that true worth comes from… Continue reading Discovering Your True Worth: The Power of Noble Character in Proverbs 31

Scribbles Through Scripture

Scribbles Through Scripture: Finding God in the Struggle

Isn’t it easy to feel overwhelmed when life hits us with adversity and affliction? I get it, because I’ve been there too. But let me remind you—God’s providence is always at work, even in our hardest moments. He not only allows things to happen, but He also holds us close, guiding us through every trial… Continue reading Scribbles Through Scripture: Finding God in the Struggle


“Doubtful Ten or Faith-filled Two: Fixating on Problems or Trusting in God’s Strength?”

In Numbers 13:27-28, Moses received a report from the scouts he had sent to explore the Promised Land: “We went into the land to which you sent us, and it does flow with milk and honey! Here is its fruit. But the people who live there are powerful, and the cities are fortified and very… Continue reading “Doubtful Ten or Faith-filled Two: Fixating on Problems or Trusting in God’s Strength?”


“Breakthrough Living: Unpacking Isaiah 41:10 for Everyday Living”

"So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." - Isaiah 41:10 (NIV) How beautiful are the promises God gives us through this verse? God is with us. He is… Continue reading “Breakthrough Living: Unpacking Isaiah 41:10 for Everyday Living”


Embracing Gratitude: A Journey from Fixation to Faith

I’m a fixer. I fixate on the things that are wrong in an effort to fix them. I dwell on the problem. I stress over it. Sometimes for hours, sometimes for days, maybe even weeks and months. I’m also a learner. I’m learning through life experience. I’m gaining wisdom. And what I know is that… Continue reading Embracing Gratitude: A Journey from Fixation to Faith

Health & Wellness

How We Can End 2021 With Strength & Purpose

Today starts the last 90 days of this year. And before we know it we'll be starting a brand new year! It's crazy to think this year is almost over. What a year it's been! Here’s what I know, I want to end it strong and feeling my best physically, mentally, and emotionally. I want… Continue reading How We Can End 2021 With Strength & Purpose

Health & Wellness

5 Tips To Easily Boost Your Immunity & Overall Health

Boosting our immune system, and overall health doesn't have to be complicated. It can also be inexpensive and quite enjoyable! Here are 5 tips I'm utilizing to boost my immune system and overall health regularly. 1. Aim for 6-8hrs of SLEEP every single night. Sleep is a vital component of building up the body’s immunity… Continue reading 5 Tips To Easily Boost Your Immunity & Overall Health


God’s Got This

God’s got this, whatever it is. I’ve been asked to pray for a lot of people this week that needed to hear & believe this exact thing. Their “whatever’s” are hard & painful to go through. •relationships are breaking around them•seasons are shifting and change is hard•children are falling away from God•they’re having to accept… Continue reading God’s Got This