Do you have a favorite Bible verse? Matthew 5:14-16 is mine. These were the very first verses I memorized. I find them absolutely beautiful.
“You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house.In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.
Matthew 5:14-16
As I read them this week I began to think about all the people who have shined their light into my life and truly inspired my walk in faith. These individual’s and at times groups of people helped lead me to being saved. Sometimes I wonder if they know the impact they’ve had on me. I am thankful and I am blessed to have each and every one of them in my life. God placed each person in my presence at just the right time.
We are called to shine before others and share the gospel of Jesus Christ. We are called to fight the good fight. It is with our light and good deeds we draw in others, and glorify our Father in heaven.
I would like to share my journey, so you may see how the light of others drew me closer to God, and helped lead me to being saved. In hopes that it encourages and inspires you to lean into others every chance you’re given.
The little white church was the first church I walked into as an adult. Occasionally, as a very small child, I would have the opportunity to attend church with my aunts. When I was seven my family moved away from Kentucky and this stopped. On a very rare occasion as a child or teenager one of my friends from school would invite me to attend church with them. I can honestly say that I attended church less than ten times after the age of seven.
The little white church was warm and inviting. It was the first time I experienced any type of fellowship. The congregation consisted of the kindest people I had ever meet. True Christians that radiated light. It was the first church my daughters ever attended. Within those walls little seeds of faith were planted within them.
I was very far from God when I first walked through those doors. It was difficult for me to comprehend the reverential awe they had for God, and the love they had for Jesus. Honestly, at times their outward demonstrations of these passions made me feel uncomfortable, I felt set apart, but not in a good way. Obviously, these wonderful people were not the problem, it was one hundred percent me.
I remember thinking each Sunday morning I would go, but only because my girls loved it, and I knew I wanted them to have strong faith. I thought by taking them to church, it would make me a better mom. I didn’t realize then that little seeds of faith were being planted within me too. That the word of God was making its way inside of me.
It was inside that little white church I first responded to an altar call. It was inside that little white church that my husband first joined my side, and we sat as a family in the presence of God. It was inside that little white church that I started to pray to God, asking Him to help me find Him too.
I will always have a very special place in my heart for that little white church, a preacher with a burning passion for the word of God, and a congregation that welcomed a sinner like me.
And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another–and all the more as you see the Day approaching.
Hebrews 10:24-25
I would like to tell you that all it took was a little white church to save me, but that’s not the truth. The truth is that after a full year or so of attending that church I was still lost. I had grown closer to God, but I was still unsaved. After several weeks of skipping Sunday services, my aunt, who attend that church as well, came by our house to check on us. My aunt will forever hold a very special place in my heart as a woman of God, a woman full of light. She is an inspiration to me, and I pray that one day I will be a strong woman of God too, and an inspiration to someone else.
When she asked me why we hadn’t been in church, I had no satisfactory answer. I had no valid reason. I wanted to tell her that I had tried reading the Bible many times only to grow very frustrated by my lack of understanding and slamming it shut. I wanted to tell her that I was listening to sermons on-line and trying to learn and grow in faith, but church just wasn’t my thing. I wanted to tell her that I didn’t feel the presence of the Lord like she did, like they did, and because of that I only felt more lost.
I wanted to tell her that I was trying to be a good Christian, but kept making mistakes. I wanted to tell her that I didn’t think I’d ever be good enough for God to want me.
Instead, I kept looking at my feet, unable to say anything.
Before she left she handed me a book on discipleship and told me very clearly that what I was searching for wasn’t going to be found in a church. That what I was searching for could only be found in His word. That I needed to get into my Bible and then I would find Him. She hugged me and said she could feel that something very special was happening around me, that His presence was very strong near me, and then she left.
At that time in my life she was the only person who had ever asked me about my faith. She was the only person who showed me encouragement in seeking my Father. She was the only person who cared enough to make sure I became saved. I could have given up, but her words resounded deep inside me. Her strong faith, and love for the Lord made me realize how much I wanted that too, how much I wanted the peace and comfort that Jesus gives His believers.
It was His light that shined through her into me, that impacted my life forever.
Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.
Ephesians 4:29
One Sunday morning I was listening to one of our local pastors preach a sermon while cleaning my house. I was still not back in church yet, but continued to seek God on my own. This had become a Sunday routine for me. As I listened to the pastor preach Sunday after Sunday, I began to feel something truly changing inside of me. I began to look at the world through different eyes. I began to read the Bible and understand it. I began to crave the word of God in my life. I found myself wanting to lead a God first life.
As the preacher spoke about the church he pastored, I realized I wanted to be part of it. I wanted to be a person who volunteered to serve others. I wanted to be a person that found needs in their community and helped meet them. I wanted to be part of something that was bigger than me. This church however, was not your little white church. It was much larger, and the idea of walking in those doors was absolutely terrifying to me. For over five months I wrestled with the urge of wanting to go, and fear of taking the next step.
I have come to realize the spirit of fear in my life and its meaning, which is usually the enemy working against me. I can look back now and know that the reason I found this church so intimidating was simply the enemy trying to keep me away from the next step in my walk with Christ and my family’s.
If you can fight through the fear my darling friend, the blessing on the other side will be so great. I am constantly reminding myself of this.
We walked into our home church as a family in July of 2016, and we’ve never looked back.
I am very thankful for our senior pastor and the light he continuously shines into our congregation and our surrounding community. I am thankful for the anointing God has placed on him. Our pastor believes that everyone needs Jesus, and I agree with all my heart. I am thankful that he challenges our congregation to be better than we were yesterday.
He encourages us to lead God first lives and teaches us how to. He inspires us to continuously grow in our faith, and take our next steps in Christ. It was this pastor that said “you don’t get good to get God, you get God to get good”. With those simple words I first started to understand want a merciful Father we have. I will never be good enough, but with His Spirit within me I will always be enough.
So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up, until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.
Ephesians 4:11-13
I am thankful for our praise team. They shine their lights every Sunday and Wednesday and fill the atmosphere with praise and worship music that invites the presence of God to join us. They never fail, He always shows up. It is because of them I have developed a deep love for Christian music.
I am thankful for a kid’s church full of volunteers that love Jesus and children. They shine their lights into hundreds of little souls weekly teaching them the good news of Jesus Christ and the love of God. My daughters are among these children.
I am thankful for a church that places service to others front and center. I am thankful for the opportunities I have had to serve, the humbling experience is one the fills me with light.
It was within the walls of this church on Oct 16, 2016 I finally broke. I surrendered my life to God after holding back for several years. I finally lifted my hand in the air. As tears rolled down my face, I simply said to God I’m tired. I was tired of fighting to be perfect all the time and tried of feeling like I failed at everything. I was tired of dragging around worry, anxiety, and fear.
I was tired of holding on to past mistakes… I was tired of trying to create my own paths, and ending up lost. I was tired of running from Him. I just wanted to run to Him. I wanted to give it all to Him and have Him carry my load, because I was tired of carrying it by myself. I wanted to surrender.
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
Matthew 11:28-30
I had to find God on my own, but having a church that I truly love has been incredibly important to my walk with Christ. I was so blessed to watch my husband be saved in January of 2017 and baptized February 2017. Both of my girls followed in April of 2017 and so did I.
Post Update 2/18/2019: My family and I continue to call this church our home. In April of 2018 I stepped into a level one leadership role, and now not only do I get to serve within our church, but I have the privilege and the honor to serve as the Next Steps Coordinator. I lead the front of our house every Sunday, and have the amazing opportunity to connect with all kinds of people, helping them to establish a home within our church and take their next steps forward with Christ. God can use you in amazing ways, once you fully surrender your heart.
I have had the opportunity to join a few small group Bible studies and life groups. Within these groups I have met women that truly inspire and encourage me to live a God first life. I see what wonderful women they are and how much they love their Father and through them His light shines bright. Hearing their testimonies of faith has been incredibly inspiring to me.
I have been able to absorb a great deal of knowledge being with them and enjoyed their fellowship immensely. Sometimes our conversations are focused on Bible study, and other times life in general, but having true women of God present in my life is a wonderful blessing.
I am thankful God placed these women in my life. Without the encouragement of these women Letting His Light Shine wouldn’t have come to life. They are the ones who helped me determine a good idea vs. a God idea. To them I will always be thankful.
Post Update 2/18/19: I continue to be a part of small groups within our church. The memories I’ve made will last a lifetime. My husband and I have joined a few together, as well as my daughter and I. I have formed so many relationships within these groups it’s amazing. I would highly encourage anyone reading this, if you have the opportunity present, to join a group. Doing life with other believers is so important and such a blessing. Do not be afraid to take that next step! Or start a group yourself!
There are no words for this man. He has stayed right by my side through all my ups and downs, encouraging and supporting me in my journey. I honestly can’t express the love I have for him. I’ve not only experienced my own journey first hand, but I have been right by his side through his.
We are not the same people we used to be, nor are we exactly the people we want to be, but with God front and center in our lives, I’m excited for our future together.
I am so thankful that God gave him to me and I’m honored to be his wife. The light of Jesus shines brightly within this man.
We are called by God to bring people out of darkness and into the kingdom of light.
We are all fighting our own fight against the enemy every day. No matter how long you’ve been a Christian, or how long you’ve been saved, it’s called the good fight for a reason. A God first life can feel like an all out battlefield sometimes, at least for me. I find myself patting myself on the back if I can make it to lunch without something slipping from my mouth that shouldn’t have. I’m guilty of a thoughtless complaints, ungratefulness, covetousness, and more, but I’m still going to fight on, because I know it’s a fight worth fighting.
But as we fight our fight, who are we encouraging and inspiring to fight alongside us?
Honestly think about this. I am. Where is that beautiful light of Jesus inside of you being shined? We can become so absorbed with our own journeys that we forget God has specifically commanded us to shine our light bright, to fight the good fight, so that OTHERS may see our good deeds.
I encourage you to look around, find that lost soul near to you, and shine some light in their direction. Your light may not always be welcomed, but shine it anyways. You never know how your light may impact their lives. I honestly believe with all my heart that there is always someone in need of light, no matter what their relationship status is with God, we all need encouragement, we can all grow in faith.
If the people I mentioned above hadn’t shined their light in my direction, you wouldn’t be reading this today. I would still be that lost girl, thinking she wasn’t enough, far from God.
Who are the people in your life that shinned their light into you?
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